With over 15 years experience as a Personal Trainer, Lenora specializes in helping people who feel they have already tried everything. Do you have pain or injuries that never seem to go away? Do you know what you need to do for exercise and nutrition, but have trouble getting yourself to do it? Do you have reoccurring posture/alignment/flexibility problems or chronic health issues?
Lenora will not just address your symptoms, but will help you find the root cause of the problem. She will start by analyzing your gait, posture, and functional movement to determine strength/flexibility exercises you can do to eliminate pain and restore balance to your body. She will also help you identify the postures, movements, and habits in life that are adding stress to your body, slowing your ability to heal, and help you find the right nutrition plan for your individual body type. She can also help you determine which organs in your body are functioning optimally and which are not and what you can do about it. And she can find ways to improve the function of your brain and nervous system which restores fluidity and makes movement feel effortless.
Lenora has a master's degree in Kinesiology (the study of movement) and Somatic (body centered) Psychotherapy and has been a certified Personal Trainer for over 10 years by ACE, ACSM, and NASM. She also has been trained by the CHEK Institute as a Level III Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and as a CHEK Practitioner. She has completed 80 hours of Postural Restoration physical therapy courses (see www.posturalrestoration.com) and has completed the Z-Health Essentials course (see www.zhealth.net). In addition, she uses techniques found in Pilates, Yoga, Qigong, and other methods to help balance your energy and restore the movement, flexibility, and strength that you need.
Many health professionals are not yet aware of how our vision and vestibular systems affect our posture, flexibility, stress levels and mood. With Lenora's training in Z-Health, which includes knowledge of neurobiology, it’s possible that your posture could be instantly improved with something as quick as a 10 second eye exercise.
Lenora integrates the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of health and healing with her clients. Because of her training in Psychotherapy, Lenora can help her clients address the psychological blocks that prevent people from achieving optimal health. She also uses somatic awareness and mindfulness in her work. (See Somatic Therapist page for more information.)
Lenora will help her clients help themselves. She will not tell you what to do, but will instead work together with you, treating you like a colleague. She will educate you and empower you by giving you the tools you need to help you become pain free, regain your energy, and become strong, and healthy once again.
“You can argue all day about the relative merits of Western and Eastern medicine; however, it’s difficult to argue with concrete, controlled results. Before I started working with Lenora, I had stable, continuous pain for three years. As I write today I have no back pain and I can do all of the activities as well or better than before the pain started. Additionally, I had been plagued by visible acne ever since adolescence, which has since disappeared completely. Following Lenora’s advice was the only significant change I made in my life during that period, and as such can be the only plausible explanation for my improvement. Something that she told me must have worked, and I personally believe that all of it worked.”